A Blushing Prophet – 1956-11-25 e

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What about you? How many souls you won since you’ve been to Christ? Christianity just goes from one to another. How many souls you won since you’ve been a Christian? If you’re not winning souls, you’re guilty. You’re barren; you’ve brought shame on the church and the Gospel. How many people you get out for Wednesday night prayer meeting? If you’re not doing it, you ought to be ashamed of yourself before Christ. You’re guilty, and your place is at the altar. I invite you to come with me for repentance.

What Does Thou Here? – 1959-03-01 e

Don’t listen to the noise. Hear that still small Voice, that depths of something that comes into the human heart that takes all foolishness away from you. It takes all the world away from you. It makes you hate the things of the world and love the things of God. That’s the depths. That’s the pool that reflects the stars of God’s eternal glory. That’s the thing that brings forth tears to the eyes, brings joy unspeakable and full of glory. It makes you stand when all other things will fail you. It makes… When sickness comes, or even death itself, it’s still got the reflection of God’s blessings in it. That little pool that’s deep and reflects the heavens, not the riffling noise of the water. Riffling waters are not very deep. It’s still water’s that runs deep.

A Secondhanded Robe – 1956-11-25 m

And then, when this meal being the same, was a type of Christ. Meal is life. And when the type of Christ, the meal, being ground up, the same meaning, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever… And the meal and the meal offering… And when they put this meal into there, putting Christ into death brought life. That’s what makes the difference. In our dead form, in our differences, in our ecclesiastical arguments and everything, if we would just bring Christ into it, it would change death and separation into life, if we would just do it.

There Is Only One Way Provided By God For Anything – 1963-07-31

Samson needed a spear, and God give him a jawbone of a wild mule, and he beat down a thousand Philistines with it. God provides your needs. God has a way. What if Sam—what if Samson said, “Now wait a minute. This jawbone isn’t sharp. It isn’t a spear. Look at them big thick helmets on them Philistines”? He just took God’s provided way, and beat right into it.
That’s all you need, is to take what God says. And go to beating with it, just as hard as you can, you’ll get yourself free after a while.

Humble Thyself! – 1963-07-14 e

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And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don’t let no malice come in. No matter what anybody does, if they are wrong, don’t you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God is in you, you love the other person when he’s in wrong. See, just pray for them, and love one another.
Above everything, love God and love one another. And be humble with God and around one another, and God will bless us, and it’s hard telling what He will do.

What Does Thou Here? – 1959-03-01 e

Every Christian should take Communion. It’s your duty. It’s a showdown. See? Jesus said, “If you don’t take it, you have no part with Me.” See? “But he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eats and drinks damnation to himself.” That is, if you’re still out with the world and doing things of the world, and people see you taking Communion, you’re doing wrong. You’re only bringing disgrace to you, and it’ll only harm you. It isn’t that—that it’ll harm God; it’ll harm you. And so a person should examine theirselves.