Oneness – 62-0211

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Any man and his family, a correct, good, noble, obedient family is one with another, any family. And if there’s something in the family that moves them apart, then it’s not right, the family’s broken somewhere. They should all be one, father with mother, mother with father, children with parent, parent with children, all in agreement. And, when you see that, you’ll see one lovely picture. That’s God’s purpose.

God’s Chosen Place Of Worship – 65-0220

First Corinthians 12 settles it, for, “By one Spirit!” Not by one church, not by one creed, not by one pastor, not by one bishop, not by one priest. But, “By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body,” which is the Body of Jesus Christ, and subject to every gift that lays in that Body. Yes, sir! No joining, no reciting of creeds, no pumping up, letting down, handshaking, or nothing else. But, by Birth we are baptized into the Body of Jesus Christ! Amen. “By one Holy Spirit we are all baptized into one Body.”

The Communion – 57-0418

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Many of the churches has “closed” communion, that is, just to their own church when they have their communion. But here we are not a denomination. We have an open communion, for all, for we believe that every believer has a right to the table of the Lord, and to fellowship around the good things of God, with every believer, regardless of creed, color, or whatever he may be. That, all have been made drink of the selfsame blessing, Christ!

Elisha The Prophet – 56-1002 e

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But God turned around, and in Elisha, he cursed those children, and forty-two of them was killed by bears that run out of the woods and killed forty-two of the children, because they were disobedient, and had been raised in the wrong kind of a home, and the wrong schooling, to make fun of God’s prophet in the stead of respecting God’s prophet. I tell you, as you respect God’s servants, you respect God. As you respect Christ, you respect God.

An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” It may be that millions will hear these words or read them. But how many will pay heed to them? That we do
not know. But he who will lend his ear and want to know the words of truth will find the Spirit of God enlightening him. If your ear is open to the Word, the Spirit of God will make the
Word real to you. Now that is a work of the Spirit. I can teach you the truth, but if you don’t open your ear to hear it and your heart to receive it, you won’t get the revelation.